Brian Mah


I used Adobe Photoshop to create different headings for each page.

For the fiery text, I followed a tutorial on youtube. The tutorial covered tools like the 'text tool', 'smudge tool', layering, and multiple advanced Photoshop techniques.For the other headings, I used simpler techniques like, embossing and texturizing. 


As for the links, I've just used the simplest of technique from Adobe Dreamweaver, which is selecting a specific text and linking it to another page. It looks simple and was what I planned to go for, that is, to not over complicate things.


For my flash content, I've created an interactive flash content, which will roll to the next image when clicked, Besides, I've also used Adobe Photoshop to sort of created a button on the top right of the page, which brings us back to the home page.


For my contents, I've searched for food descriptions and also recipes for the food on the web. 

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